Writing to the Rescue Services
I will write to your rescue

I will help your writing be its best.
Revise and resubmits for articles, drafts of graduate school work, rewrites of projects within and outside of academia.
Your ideas put into words - good words.
Prospectus work, research design, concept chapters. Ghostwriting possible.
Help with your advocacy work.
Grant-writing consultations, policy and political research, focus groups, DEI training.

About Writing to the Rescue
Verification ==================================================================
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* I am mkovacs (https://keybase.io/mkovacs) on keybase.
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And finally, I am proving ownership of this host by posting or
appending to this document.
View my publicly-auditable identity here: https://keybase.io/mkovacs
You can find out more about this site under the About tab, but since I advertise myself as a 'wordsmith', I want to give you access to some of my published writing. Click the buttons below to read samples. ~ Melinda Kovacs, Ph.D.

My Story
A few things about me
I was born and raised in Hungary, spent half of my adolescence in Algeria, and moved to the US to attend graduate school for political science. My first degree was an MA in French. My second was an MA in American Studies. Only then did I switch to political science. When I am not doing research or writing, I devotedly rescue cats and dogs. Blessedly, I am partnered with someone who is on board with having lots of animals live with us.
Rates and Pricing
This is to give you an idea of my rates.

Hourly Rates
From $40 to $100 for consultations and writing.
From $400 to $1000 for trainings.

Fixed Price
Established on a case-by-case basis. Please note that there will be a great degree of variation depending on the type of work you need.
Whether a project works better as a fixed price or as an hourly rate, will be established when we discuss the work you would like me to do. No project will begin without a discussion (in person or via Zoom) and an agreement that we are both happy.